Settlement and transport areas increase daily in Germany. Increasing sealing and climate change lead to more frequent heavy rainfall events with negative effects for settlements and their inhabitants. For this reason, we at Spieth Engineers use our natural resources carefully and support you in the development and implementation of comprehensive concepts. We provide advice on urban development with a sustainable approach to rainwater, regardless of whether it involves new construction,the maintenance or renovation of existing facilities.

Rainwater Drainage
Wastewater and rainwater where should it go? In order to avoid cost-intensive overloading of sewer networks and sewage treatment plants when there is too much rain, economic and ecologically sensible solutions are needed.
We at Spieth Engineers have made a name for ourselves in infrastructure planning with innovative drainage concepts in order to develop the best possible solution for you depending upon the individual conditions. This enables us to plan an optimal urban drainage system, that includes a comprehensive view of the water balance and contributes to sustainable water management.
Stormwater Retention Systems
Retention spaces are areas that are deliberately flooded during floods in order to regulate the water levels of the receiving waters. Retention facilities such as rainwater retention basins and storage channels are an important part of flood protection and relieve the burden on the sewer system. In principle, however, all public areas such as squares, green spaces, parks, courtyards, and open spaces of public buildings as well as streets can be used as multifunctional retention areas. All that is required is that these areas are planned and designed accordingly.
We at Spieth Engineers understand this to be an interdisciplinary task. In order to incorporate all relevant points of urban develpoment planning it is important to coordinate with stake holders early in the plannung process.

Cleaning and Clarification systems
The cleaning and clarification of wastewater includes all nesseccary steps to clean wastewater and mixed water in wastewater treament plants and the drainage of stormwater. Stormwater is treated with the use of technical facilities like a stormwater clarification plants or lamella separartors. The clarification of stormwater through the active soil layer is a decentralized, natural, and cost efficient way. It also reduces drainage costs. Through infiltration of stormwater, groundwater recharge increases und surface runoff is reduced.
At Spieth Engineers we are involved in the urban planning in the region, dealing especially with flooding. We offer innovative protection ideas that allow the stormwater will be stored locally. We continually work on improving the quality of life and on a healither urban climate.
Sewer rehabilitation
Defective sewers pose a threat to our groundwater. Sewer renovation restores the funkctionality of the swear networks and increses their sevice life.Sewer systems should be checked regularliy. Deposits, blockages, or burst pipes can lead to backwater and cause more damage like cracks or breaks in the sewer.
At Spieth Engineers we habe been assisting industrial companies and municipalities with the maintenance and rehabilitation of their existing sewer systems for years. Our certified sewer rehabilitation consultants are able to properly identify and analyse damage and develop rehabilitation strategies. We accompany and advise you during the sewer inspection, prepare the planning and tendering, and accompany the construction of all necessary repair, rehabilitation, and renewal procedures.

General drainage plans
The general drainage plan serves to comprehensively assess the existing and future hydraulic conditions in the sewer network. This an indispensable instrument for every network operator to gain knowledge about the drainage behaviour. The general drainage plan (GDP) also includes a pollution load calculation, which makes it better then the general sewer plan.
At Spieth Engineers, the hydraulic sewer network calculation is carried out using hydrodynamic simulation models. This enables us to identify possible flooding areas and show you possible bottlenecks or capacities, as well as, sensible network branches and diversions.