
Hiking tour: Welzheim Forest

Our employees discover a beautiful piece of home on their hiking tour

Several nature and hiking enthusiasts set out on a hiking tour in the Welzheim Forest on 02.08.2019.

They started their hike at the Vidadukt Laufenmühle car park and hiked downstream through the wild Wieslauf Gorge, where they marvelled at waterfalls and old hydrotechnical engineering structures (old downpipe, Lambach pump house) as well as erosion slopes with interesting geological insights.

Their hiking route led them further via the small hamlet of Steinbach into the Strümpfelbach valley, where they entered the "Strümpfelbachklamm" gorge after crossing the Wieslaufbahn railway line.

They then continued across fields and meadows to the Ebnisee, where a beer garden invited them to linger, before returning to the car park via the quiet Wieslauf valley.