Development of the site "Neues Wohnen an der Acher", Achern
In 2015, the Karl Group acquired the glassworks site in Achern from the American O.I. Glasspack group and took on the redevelopment of the former factory site as a residential and mixed-use area. The approximately 11-hectare site is located in the centre of Achern near the town centre.
The area is connected to the B 3 to the north and to the Jahnstreet/railway station junction and to Fautenbacher Street to the southwest and east. The existing junction connections continue to be used, the Fautenbacher Street junction was newly created. Böhringer Street was planned with a road width of 7.00 m with one-sided longitudinal parking spaces, which were interrupted with tree beds as roadside greenery. Böhringer Street was connected to Fautenbacher Street with a new junction. The second junction on Fautenbacher Street was planned in the area of Glashüttenstreet. The two planned residential streets Gemengeweg and Glashüttenstreet served the inner neighbourhood development. They were routed from Böhringer Street in the north to Glasmacher Street in the south. Along the Acher, a footpath and cycle path was planned as a network connection to Fautenbacher Street and the existing footpath and cycle path along the B 3. Two barrier-free bus stops were planned in the area, which will be connected to the public transport network.
The planning area was drained using the separate system, and the drainage of the traffic facilities was also carried out via the planned rainwater sewer system. The wastewater was drained separately via wastewater sewers with connection to the combined sewer in the area of the Acher. Thus, the existing outlets into the Acher with a maximum discharge rate of 626 l/s as well as the stormwater collector north were to continue to be used for stormwater drainage. Rainwater retention was not required. Two retention swales were created for flood protection of the Acher adjacent to the area.
Studies / Concepts
Planning LPH 1 - 4
Planning LPH 5 - 7
Site management / Local supervision Construction Supervis.
Project management
Production costs:
Total costs: approx. € 4.5 million net
Key data:
Planned area: approx. 11 ha
Area for road construction: approx. 1.1 ha
Area of footpath/cycleway: approx. 0.8 ha
Drainage in separate system: approx. 2.7 km
Performance period:
2015 - 2020